Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Archive
1974 RCW Archive
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This is an archived version of the 1974 Revised Code of Washington
For the current version of the RCW, go to the full RCW page.

The PDF files below contain copies of the RCW as they existed when they were published in 1974. 

Note: Each file below is in PDF with the size noted after the link to the file.  Files could require a lengthy download dependent on the speed of your Internet connection.

Volume 0a:  Table of Contents, Preface, US Constitution, Organic Act, Enabling Act, Washington State Constitution (23.5 MB)

Volume 0b:  Parallel Tables, Dispositions (31.5 MB)

Volume 1a:  Titles 1 through 10 (19 MB)

Volume 1b:  Titles 11 through 17 (18 MB)

Volume 2a:  Titles 18 through 23A (19 MB)

Volume 2b:  Titles 24 through 28B (24.5 MB)

Volume 3a:  Titles 29 through 35 (23.5 MB)

Volume 3b:  Titles 35A through 40 (19 MB)

Volume 4a:  Titles 41 through 43 (22 MB)

Volume 4b:  Titles 44 through 47 (18 MB)

Volume 5a:  Titles 48 through 53 (17.5 MB)

Volume 5b:  Titles 54 through 67 (18 MB)

Volume 6a:  Titles 68 through 72 (21 MB)

Volume 6b:  Titles 73 through 79 (16.5 MB)

Volume 7:  Titles 80 through 91 (23 MB)

Volume 8a:  Index A through F (29 MB)

Volume 8b:  Index G through P (25.5 MB)

Volume 8c:  Index Q through Z (23.5 MB)