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Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee

JLARC is a Washington state legislative committee that works to improve state government. JLARC’s nonpartisan staff research and complete audits as directed by the Legislature. We present findings and recommendations to JLARC and other legislative committees.

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    Today, February 19, is day 38 of the 2025 regular session
    There are 67 day(s) left this session


    Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC)

    JLARC reports give accurate, unbiased, and credible answers to the Legislature’s questions.

    The Legislature assigns audits and other studies in budget and policy bills. We do the work according to government auditing standards. JLARC and the position of Legislative Auditor are established in statute (Chapter 44.28 RCW).

    There are 3 types of studies:

    1. Performance audits: We evaluate if a program works as intended, meets goals, and operates efficiently.
    2. Tax preference reviews: We assess tax exemptions, credits, deductions, preferential rates, deferrals, and exclusions based on specific criteria in law.
    3. Sunset reviews: We evaluate a program or agency based on specific criteria in law and recommend continuation, change, or termination.



    P.O. Box 40910

    Olympia, WA 98504-0910


    106 11th Avenue SW

    Suite 2500

    Olympia, WA 98504-0910

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