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Legislative Oral History Committee

This joint committee is made up of members from the House and Senate, and also non-legislative members. The committee typically conducts work sessions outside of the legislative session. Learn about the committee, its meetings, and how to participate.

    The Legislative Oral History Committee advises the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives on the administration of the oral history program and on the implementation of individual interview projects, including the selection of oral history interview candidates and subjects. Both the Chief Clerk and Secretary of the Senate are appointed to the committee by statute.

    Authorizing legislation: HB 2402 – Section 8 (2020)

    Committee status


    Office of the Chief Clerk

    Office of the Secretary of the Senate

    Legislative Oral History Committee

    Upcoming committee activity

    See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in Legislative Oral History Committee.

    No upcoming meetings to display.

    Committee members and staff

    7 members
    in the Legislative Oral History Committee
    Committee members and staff

    Legislative Members

    List of legislative members of the committee
    Member District Room Phone
    Conway, Steve (D)
    29 241 John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7656
    Donaghy, Brandy (D)
    44 417 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7804
    Liias, Marko (D)
    21 305 John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7640
    Santos, Sharon Tomiko (D)
    37 320 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7944
    Schoesler, Mark (R)
    9 417 Legislative Building 360-786-7620

    Non-Legislative Members

    List of non-legislative members of the committee
    Member Organization and Position
    Bannister, Sarah Secretary of the Senate,
    Dean, Bernard Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives,
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