Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Archive
2006 RCW Archive
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This is an archived version of the 2006 Revised Code of Washington
For the current version of the RCW, go to the full RCW page.

The PDF files below contain copies of the RCW as they existed when they were published in 2006. 

Note: Each file below is in PDF with the size noted after the link to the file.  Files could require a lengthy download dependent on the speed of your Internet connection.

Volume 0:

Preface (9.5 KB)
Constitution of the United States of America (47 KB)
Organic Act (29 KB)
Enabling Act (39.8 KB)
Constitution of the State of Washington (548 KB)
Codification Tables (1.4 MB)
Dispositions (6.9 MB)

Volume 1: Titles 1 through 17 (14 MB)

Volume 2: Titles 18 through 28A (14.2 MB)

Volume 3: Titles 28B through 37 (15.5 MB)

Volume 4: Titles 38 through 44 (14.2 MB)

Volume 5: Titles 46 through 53 (14.6 MB)

Volume 6: Titles 54 through 71 (14.5 MB)

Volume 7: Titles 71A through 84 (15.2 MB)

Volume 8: Titles 85 through 91, Popular Names Table and General Index (15.6 MB)